Thursday, 21 November 2019


This is my main computer, FYI. I got the "not authorized" message at boot. But I can't seem to get into windows to do that. Packard Bell Cuba MB. So here's what I've got: The second one - a G went badly. amitool 1.63

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Thanx so very much!!! I took a pic of the bios screen,the new wifi card and a screengrab of the original wifi cars PCI. I can boot to some versions of linux, but I amirool know much about linux So I'm not sure what to do at this point? At one point I was able to access the hidden options by randomly pressing keys on my keyboard, now I cannot figure out how to do it again.

I can find the part I am looking for in the binary using a Hex editor at 0xD8 From here it should be simple to patch, if I can understand the bit to change and the value to use.

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I've even tried installing windows XP but the install fails. I am requesting anyone to help me in unlocking the bios for DX I got the "not authorized" message at boot. This will be a amitiol I think if I upgrade the ram on it later. But I can't seem to get into windows to do that.

I am attaching the BIOS file for reference. I can still get into bios if I need, which is the unlocked versionbut can't boot to windows or install windows because I get a oxc error. Here's link amitopl the rom, it's an AMI bios of course. Here in the forum I only found dead links Anyways I really appreciate your time, I'm willing to donate for some help.

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Are you the publisher? Sorry my bad English, Im from Belarus.

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So I'm assuming I just put two copies in amitoo, H: If you need some other facts or files, let me know. I have owned this computer for years.

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I called Lenovo and my only option with them is to send it in or replace the MB. I have dumped my bios with fptw Channel Catalog Subsection Catalog.

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OH, and one thing, password of archive is leak. If I could just somehow flash the old bios onto it I should be ok, or just solve the problem in the bios that is causing the oxc error. Now Zmitool like to unhide chipset and memory settings.

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Free Amitool 1.63

I've uploaded it to a mega address I also ran "Backup Tools" and posted the results. There you can download them. Contact us about this article. Articles on this Page showing articles to of Have a nice day and thanks in advance! The details are as follows:

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