Saturday, 23 November 2019


I highly recommend this app for anyone to try, you may not and that's your own personal preference. I'm 19 weeks along. Please notice our app versioning runs back all the way to something no one can fake in the app store - so our app is the original My Baby's Beat. I am beyond excited and happy that I got to hear baby's heartbeat! I got this as soon as I found out I was pregnant 6weeks and tried for weeks to find baby's heartbeat! Please make sure to review it, before you download the app. mybabysbeat

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I just bought this app today! I had to get up and walk around a bit. I was afraid I tore my placenta just the day before doing house chores. I actually hear my babies heart beat and sometimes it takes a couple minutes because baby has moved around but that's normal. I enjoy listening to my baby at the dr more: Why We Archive What to Expect has thousands of open discussions happening each day.

May 1, Version 3.

That was fishy so first I tried it on my dog, didn't even know where to look and "found it" again in under 30 seconds. Well I finally found it 13 weeks!! HeArtrate so off from Mybahysbeat Doppler.

My Baby's Beat (mybabysbeat) on Pinterest

I got this as soon as I found out I was pregnant 6weeks and tried for weeks to find baby's mybabysbezt I got one called baby scope and it seems to be decent. I am beyond excited and happy that I got to hear baby's heartbeat!


Languages English, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish. I emailed the app developers and am hoping they respond this week. I am also 15 weeks today, 1st checked my heartbeat found it right away. Oldest Newest 12 Posts.

‎My Baby's Beat on the App Store

That app is a scam. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I've wanted to listen to my baby's heartbeat. Family Sharing With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. FYI, I too hut this app. HiMommy - Pregnancy Tracker. Does you're beat sound like a beat or like this: I purchased the one called Baby Beats it's different from this one posted above and I love the app. Found my babies heartbeat within 3 min! Tried it again and found it right away and recorded it.


I have had this app downloaded since I was maybe 15 weeks pregnant. Hubble for Motorola Monitors.

I even wrote a review but I don't see the review online shocking. And I feel him move around again because actually this app woke him up I think, lol.

I can't even find my own heart beat!

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Please make sure to review it, before you download the app. Then a blanket and a table same thing. I am super impressed with the app!!

Actually I couldn't find a heartbeat on any non-living thing because trust kybabysbeat I've tried. I attached the sound I'm getting which is clearly not a beat but rhythmic static like a train on tracks.


Compatibility Requires iOS 9.

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