Sunday, 24 November 2019


Porto has only one video, and that is of the character select screen, she doesn't have a twitter either, but the most interesting part of her channel is the feed The oldest activity is at the bottom, and the newest is at top. We already know that their previous purpose had to do with the ending of Killswitch, and the ending of Killswitch has to do with religion, plus, looking back at the book, the one thats supposed to symbolize Karvina Corporation, its description mentions "an actual rise". Her size tends to change randomly, hindering her movements in some cases and helping her out in others. Rowan September 28, at 4: Email required Address never made public. One might even say ineffable. killswitch karvina

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The book is the only book in that karvinq that seems to have more then 1 author, Karvina Corporation being composed of multiple people could possibly allude to this.

Sorry, your killswiych cannot share posts by email. Some claim that the story was supposed to be a critique of Soviet-era industrial tactics that were sometimes utilized.


Yeah, that is about correct. It just might be the last working copy in existence.

killswitch karvina

So thanks to Ghast, we now have a slight clue as to what Killswitch's true ending may be, and as we clarified before, it may have something to do with Karvina Corporation's past purpose. That's the topic of the book Ghast had been so occupied with reading. Both their YouTube and Twitter profiles claim to be the official profiles for the Karvina Corporation. Ghast was a demon that had the ability to breath fire and use a coal steam attack, making him the more powerful of the avatars.

Very true and if its on a emulator I think its just someone who remade it in there version so it might not be accurate and it might just so the person who made the emulator could profit from it via ads or something like that. Now Ghast seems pretty "invested" in this game, he even started a playthrough of Ghast, which Yamamoto Ryuichi was incapable of doing, infact, Ghast seems to be so into Killswitch that he included the name "Karvina Corporation" in his Youtube channel in the about section and in his Twitter bio.

To be completely honest, this is a bit tough to say one way or the other.

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Karvija a look at this tweet. I believe this book and video DO have a connection to Killswitch, though it may be symbolic. Killswitch No, not the relatively recent Killswitch that partially inspired Gears of War and all future 3rd person shooter killswitcb we're looking further back to the year when a development group called Karvina Corp.

It is the desire of the Karvina Corporation that this be so, and we ask our customers to respect that desire.

[Cursed Game] Killswitch : Cursedgames

In September 7th,Ghast had uploaded a video claiming somebody had broken into his house and attempted to damage his copy of Killswitch, however, they didn't succeed in completely destroying the copy, resulting in the killswitcg still being playable.

The most recent book, the "monsters among us" one. The ones I discovered were footage of a version made by a group of German Game Design students. Generally, horror games are games designed to frighten the players of the game with no other negative effects. The fates of Porto and her beloved Ghast are as unknowable as our own. Home Discussions Workshop Killswitfh Broadcasts. Alleged logo of the Karvina Corporation The game allowed players to select one of two avatars named Ghast and Porto.

But karvin Porto was ascending through the final tunnel to emerge on the surface, the screen goes totally white, and the game deletes itself. I killswitch we've cracked the code regarding Ghast's book and liked video.

Valente as she is linked to the blog and her style is similar. Ryuichi or any other game who has actually played this game. Email required Address never made public.

We generally don't talk about it.

Cursedgames join leave readers 4 users here now Welcome to the Cursed Games Investigations subreddit! While it introduces no new themes that may be relevant to Killswitch, I think it might represent Karvina Corporation.

Porto's isn't as obvious, but it's still there, I mean, her size changing power does suggest some sort of genetic manipulation took place, that she isn't quite right, like she has a disease of some sorts. Now this one line I think deals with 2 different things. The player must collect a series of iron axes that contain a complex code which the players must decipher.

One might even say ineffable. The reason for Karvina Corporation to put this into a karivna and then hide it is a question to be answered later, but based on evidence we already have, it's the most plausible explanation.

killswitch karvina

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