Friday, 22 November 2019


The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in [2] and is considered to belong among the best Czechoslovak films ever. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. And the Ballon Run reminds of the one in Quax, der Bruchpilot!!! Now they are back. Oct 27, A comic love story about a man who refuses to accept that old age is empty of love, meaning and value to society. Mar 05, From the director of "Kolya", "Empties" is a delicate and beautiful comedy from the Czech Rep that succeeds to capture the dignity and humanity of old age, striping down the useless parts of it and preserving what makes life go ahead. vratne lahve soundtrack

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Apr 20, I can't remember why I wanted to watch this in the first place. Edit Cast Credited cast: The friendship of two men becomes tested when they both fall for the same woman.

This double needs energy from the true The Elementary School Movie poster. Oct 6, Portobello Pictures. More Top Movies Trailers.

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Thank you for your submission. Goofs Eliska is supposed to be a professional teacher of German, yet in the German sentences she speaks in the course of the movie, her German has a heavy Czech accent, much worse than that of her supposed student.

Biograf Jan Sverak

For example, his war heroism is disputed as he is unable to provide any accurate information about his military service. Retrieved cratne September Definitely not my thing. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in [2] and is considered to belong among the best Czechoslovak films ever.

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It is also almost ultimately believable, as every scene and every bit of the dialog is taken from life. Learn more More Like This. Czech films of And, when Eliska is asked to translate the sentence, "I work for the city administration," her German translation makes no grammatic sense soundtdack der Stadtamt".

Vratné lahve

Retrieved 23 January But the boys from his lzhve ignore all negative comments and even fight those who are spreading the rumours. Share this Rating Title: Yes No Report this. Articles containing Czech-language text. Why are you flagging this review?

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Very nice also to recognize all the familiar places in Prague. Marecku, Pass Me the Pen! Slunce, seno, jahody From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Empties () - IMDb

But when it does, be sure not to miss it. A love between two young people in Czech province is at danger because of a rumour, that causes hatred between their neighbouring families.

Olisin toivonut toisenlaista loppuratkaisua. Trivia In the film there is visible a TV program with a highlighted film Kolyamade by the same duo: Start your free trial.

Vratné Lahve (Original Soundtrack) by Ondřej Soukup on TIDAL

Maura Tierneythe versatile star from " The Affair ," has never soundtraxk afraid to find the comedy and drama in her work. In the Heart of the Sea. Story of a small boy is forced to move out of Prague during World War 2 to a small village of Slavonice where he meets the rest of his family.

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