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However, the effect of these actions must be demonstrated to have a small effect less than 0. Calculate the air molar flow by dividing the airflow by the average molecular weight. Calibration of an instrument is the act of applying process conditions to the candidate instrument and to a reference standard in parallel. The total corrected pressure drop is the sum of the steam coils pressure drop and the water coils pressure drop. A temperature sensor mounted in the mirror measures the surface temperature. It is the intent of this Code that the samples be analyzed in accordance with the latest methods and procedures. asme ptc 19.5 pdf

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ASME PTC 19.5-2004 Flow Measurement - Performance Test Codes

The pressure drop in coils for heating water is proportional to the water flow squared. For damper without seal air system, leakage means exfiltration of exhaust gas that will result in reduced exhaust gas flow through HRSG.

The documentation to pfc provided shall be clearly identified. The excess energy in the steam is calculated by multiplying the measured steam flow by the difference in the measured and predicted steam outlet enthalpy. See "Gas Enthalpy" sheet for species specific enthalpy formulations. For this approach, all terminal temperatures, pressures, and the fuel gas stream flow must be known with the only unknown being the extraction water flow.

Generally, the same systematic error will be used for both pretest and post-test uncertainty analyses.

asme ptc 19.5 pdf

Loop checking is the process of checking the instrumentation loop to confirm that the calibrated instrument signal is properly processed through the signal conditioning equipment to the display. The gas outlet composition is determined from the constituent molar flows of both gas outlet streams. Sum for all fuel gas compounds, the product of the fuel gas molar flow, the fuel gas compound mole fraction, and the fuel gas compound oxygen combustion ratio.

asme ptc 19.5 pdf

The measured value would be the uncertainty-weighted value as calculated in subsection This alternative method may be required in the case of flow elements, or thermocouples because their output cannot be easily altered. The duct burner fuel flow corrections for each performance parameter would be the product of the reference flow or temperature and all the other corrections in the case of percentages.

Sum for all fuel gas compounds, the product of the fuel gas molar flow, the fuel gas compound mole fraction, and the fuel gas compound water combustion ratio.

The nitrogen molar flow is the sum of the nitrogen molar flow from the GT gas, the change in molar flow of nitrogen for the combustion of the fuel and the augmenting airflow times the nitrogen mole fraction in air divided by the air molecular weight.

The balance of airflow is now the only unknown parameter in the heat balance equation and can be directly solved. Campbell, Southern Company Services M.

ASME PTC Flow Measurement - Performance Test Codes [PDF] - Все для студента

Each Code test shall include pretest and post-test uncertainty analyses, and the results of these analyses shall fall within the agreed upon test uncertainty. Reasons for a preliminary run include asne following: Gas flow is determined by an energy balance.

The weighting for value 1 is uncertainty 2 squared divided by the sum of uncertainty 1 squared and 195 2 squared. The assumption for this method is that the gas average temperature through the HRSG is the same as the reference conditions. ASTM E provides guidance on the selection of thermocouples.

It must be clear that during the test the fuel flow is adjusted to a pre-established set point. Percentages are expressed in terms of Fahrenheit scale reading.

Each measurement loop must be designed with the ability to be loop calibrated separately. A linear correlation of the physical property portion of eq. The balance of air inlet constituent molar flow is determined by dividing the flow by the air molecular weight determined in para. When tests are run in accordance with a Code, the test results themselves, without adjustment for uncertainty, yield the best available indication of the actual performance of the tested equipment. Consideration must be given to all process and ambient conditions that may affect the measurement, including temperature, pressure, humidity, electromagnetic interference, radiation, etc.

These derived equations should be adequate for most fuel oil prf natural gas streams in which the components are almost entirely hydrocarbons. The pressure drop in coils for superheated steam is proportional to the steam flow squared and inversely proportional to the average steam density. Sum for all fuel gas compounds, pfc product of the fuel gas molar flow, the fuel gas compound mole fraction, and the fuel gas compound carbon dioxide combustion ratio.

Any cleaning shall be agreed upon and completed prior to the test.

asme ptc 19.5 pdf

The following items may also influence temperature measurements:

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