Wednesday, 20 November 2019


You can create dynamic emails, automatically customize emails and add unique arguments using templates to make it easier to deliver your email efficiently. Some of our most versatile tools and apps include: How do we handle problem users? Categories allow you to track your emails according to broad topics that you define, like "Weekly Newsletter" or "Confirmation Email". The Web API allows customers to see what messages are bounced back, what are reported as spam, and how many recipients unsubscribed from their email program. Failing to do so could result in your customization not working. smtpapi

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Unique arguments can be retrieved via SendGrid's Event Webhook or your email activity page. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. You can create dynamic emails, automatically customize emails and add unique arguments using templates to make it easier to deliver your email efficiently. Does the way I have defined my header looks good?

Otherwise, please open an issue in our github! Thanks for helping us improve the docs! Failing to do so could result in your customization not working.

Categories allow you to track your emails according to smtppi topics that you define, like "Weekly Newsletter" or "Confirmation Email". This is just one more way that SendGrid makes email delivery simpler and faster for developers. You can customize the emails you send via SMTP by using different settings also referred to as filters.

How do we handle problem users?

OR can I skip one of these if I am not using these? Please rate this page: For more information, see our section tags documentation. Substitution tags allow you to dynamically insert specific content smtlapi to each of your recipients, such as their first and last names. SMTP allows software to transfer email over the internet.

Building an SMTP Email - SendGrid Documentation | SendGrid

Post as a guest Name. Improving the question-asking experience. For example, to send a blind carbon copy BCC of your email to the address example example. Otherwise, please open an issue in our GitHub!

Integrating with the SMTP API - SendGrid Documentation | SendGrid

Otherwise, please open an issue in our GitHub! Categories should only be used for broad topics.


Transactional templates — We created transactional templates to make creating different versions of templates easier for marketers and developers. Active 2 years, 7 months ago. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.


For more information, see our categories documentation. Knowledge Center Menu Support. Knowledge Center Menu Support. Asked 5 years, 10 months ago.

Integrating With the SMTP API

Use unique arguments to track your emails based on specific identifiers unique to individual messages. Section tags are similar to substitution tags, but rather than replace tags with content for each recipient; section tags allow you to replace a tag with more generic content— like a salutation.

If you have a question that needs an answer, please contact support. Substitution tags allow you to dynamically insert specific content relevant to each smtpapu your recipients, such as their first and last names.

For more information, see our scheduling parameters documentation. Some of our most versatile tools and apps include:.

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